Saturday, January 19, 2019

New Year - New Name

Hello Readers,

Happy New Year!  I was just alerted by one of my fellow "victims" (I like the term “Partner In Justice”, but let’s call it what it is) that Jeff Fank is attempting to start a business and apply for insurance underneath a new name.  The name is Jeff Fink (original, right?).  Please spread the word to all applicable parties, as it is going to be hard to us a search engine to identify him.  There is a famous attorney and a gentleman in sports marketing with the same name, so it will be hard to find any relevant information. 

Jeff Fank (Jeff Adam, Jeff Adams, Jeff Fink) has also been snooping around some trade shows in the area trying to weasel his way into someone else’s pocket.  The Oak Brook Home & Garden Show (which is today and tomorrow) may be his next target.  Keep your eyes open, your bull shit radar high, and your wallet in a safe place.

We also are continuing to engage the States Attorney General Lisa Madigan so all of Jeff’s wrongdoings are on the record.  Many of my contacts have submitted cases and are waiting to hear back.  We will keep the readers posted on the outcomes of these cases.

Finally, we have continued to feed the bankruptcy judge all of the documents we have where Jeff Adam (Jeff Fank) falsified his name.  This is fraud and should be addressed by the courts.  Fraud is an offense that can put someone behind bars. 

Thank you for the support over the past year!  It is humbling, and I will continue to update all of you on this case.  Happy New Year!

Talk Soon.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Fank's Facebook Blog

Hello Readers,

Happy Holidays!  Another one of the victims of Jeff Fank (Jeff Adam) reached out to me this morning.  He has also started a blog forum via Facebook.  I wanted to take a few minutes and share the link with you.  Here it is:

Please follow this blog, comment, and share stories.  Facebook is a very powerful social media tool, and can help spread the word and stop Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner. 

Also, I want to thank everyone for their support over the past year.  I have connected with so many good people that have been flat out screwed by this evil couple.  I am as confident as ever that we will stop these injustices from occurring. 

Talk Soon.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Another "Sliver" Product

Hello  Readers,

Happy Fall and Halloween!  Again, I want to thank you for the continued support.  It has been great to connect with everyone and spread the word.  I wanted to share images of another one of the "Nature's Sliver Lining" products.  A nose spray?  Why Not?

FYI:  We never used this product.  Evidently "Nature's Sliver Lining" needs to invest in their quality control department.  

Talk Soon!


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

One More "Sliver" Product

Hello again readers!  I hope everyone is doing well.  Again, thank you for your continued support and commitment to the cause.  I was cleaning out one of my cabinets, and came across yet another one of Jeff's "Miracle Sliver Products".  "Ion-Eyes" is a product that Jeff Adam (or Jeff Fank, depending on the day) claims will heal all types of eye problems.  "Ion-Eyes" is really just the same sliver product with different packaging and a corny name.  Here is the image:  

Why not buy a "health supplement" from a contractor?  Why not shoot a silver solution that he produces in his garage in your eye?  After all, Jeff Fank is so trustworthy and ethical.  I am sure all of product claims are true and the ingredients are pure. 

As I have stated before (and all kidding aside), I would highly recommend avoiding all of these sliver products at any cost.  If you are a business that has been "duped" into using them, I would highly recommend stopping.  If your clients find out that you are using a product that was created by Con-Artist Contractor and his mythical Scientist Sidekick, you may suffer some hardships (legal, reputation, problems with the state, etc.). 

Talk Soon.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Additional "Product" Offerings

Hello Readers,

Again, thank you for all of your support over the past few months.  I wanted to take a second and share information on another one of Jeff Fank's "products".  It's a natural insect repellent.  Here is an image of it: 

"Force of Nature Insect Repellent" which (evidently) uses all natural oils and minerals to keep the pesky bugs off of you in the Summer months.  It is by "Natures Sliver Lining", the Sliver company mentioned earlier.  He evidently tested it on his pet deer, which is a whole other story I will talk about in another post. 

Talk Soon.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jeff's Targeting of Hispanic Subcontractors

Hello Readers,

I want to start out by thanking you for the continued support.  As I write this post, we are north of 59,000 views.  My goal is to stop these individuals, and spreading the word is a huge first step.  Again, thank you!

I did want to spend a few moments to address the title of this post.  If you read past blogs on Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner, you will see reference to the fact that they do target Hispanics or other minorities as subcontractors.  From my experience, and the extensive conversations with others, I can confirm that this is the case.  One of the subcontractors that work one my house, and who is of Hispanic dissent, is by far out the most money.  This is a gruesome, cruel, and unjust behavior.  It is one of the most appalling parts of Jeff and Michele’s “scam”, and it makes me sick to my stomach. 

The next question is “why does Jeff do this”?  I did speak with a close family friend that is of Hispanic dissent, and actually still has family in Mexico.  He explained that there are two major reasons:

1)       Hispanics don’t sue or utilize the court systems.  There are reasons for this, but it really isn’t relevant to the topic, so I will not expand further.
2)      If certain individuals in Mexico find out that subcontractor “Will Smith” has money in the states, it may put “Will Smith’s” family members in Mexico in danger.  Therefore, certain individuals have to keep a low profile.
3)      I also believe that it ties to the pure entitlement piece of the Jeff and Michele machine.  They believe they are entitled to money, and therefore, they can mistreat anyone.  For some reason, this entitlement complex is exploited to the fullest against our Hispanic friends.

Again, I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but this behavior is sick, racists, and very unjust.  It shows the complete lack of character, ethics, and morals on behalf of Jeff Fank and Michele Kestner.  This is just yet another reason that they need to be stopped.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

It Ends Here

Hello Again,

I want to thank everyone for their outstanding support.  This support has come in the form of “clicks”(I hate that term), comments on Facebook, personal messages, and phone calls.  Again, the support has been great, and everyone I speak with wants to see this madness end.  For the record, that is the goal of this blog, and it will happen.

That being said, I am encouraging everyone that has been touched by Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner to come forward and reach out to me.  I sympathize with the fact that it is very difficult to admit that you were “taken” and it can be gut wrenching to relive the experience.  Trust me, I understand this, and am still dealing with it frequently.  The fact of the matter is that Jeff and Michele have been able to get away with this for years because of silence.  These individuals have done irreparable harm to businesses, “clients”, subcontractors, and even some of their own family members (see The Manifesto).  The only way to stop this is to unite, communicate, and let everyone know that we will not stand for this anymore!

I have added a contact box on the right side of the blog page.  Please reach out!  I can attempt to do this alone, but I will have a lot more success uniting with each and every one of you!

Talk Soon.


The Manifesto

Many of you may be thinking something to the tune of the following:  “Why is this Jordan guy spending so much time putting together a blog ...