Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Manifesto

Many of you may be thinking something to the tune of the following:  “Why is this Jordan guy spending so much time putting together a blog and plastering social media about this crooked contractor?  Doesn’t he have anything else better to do?  He is out a lot of money, and that is awful, but move on, and learn your lesson.”  I assure you, I have plenty of other better things to be doing, including spending time with my beautiful wife Devon, my 3-year-old son Ashton, and my new addition Dylan (who isn’t even a month old yet).  Hell, I could even be watching some college basketball or catching up on some Spring Training Coverage of my beloved Detroit Tigers.  But here I sit, on a Thursday night at 10:03 p.m. CST, starting another blog post about my particular situation with a crooked contractor.  Why am I doing this?  Is it the thousands of dollars I am out, yes, but it is much, much more than that.  The answer to the question goes much deeper; Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped. 

Rich, a very kind gentleman from the Carolinas, was one of the main carpenters that worked on our kitchen.  He had the pleasure of meeting “Jeff Adams” when the worked together at a building company a few years back.  The first week of November 2017, with the promise of steady hours and increased pay, Rich left his current job, and started working projects for Jeff.  He showed up each and every day at 8 a.m. with a smile on his face and a funny story to tell.  He is an excellent carpenter, and ironically, did a kitchen for Phil Jackson in the mid-90’s.  Rich is at the point in his life where he is saving for retirement, and he also wanted to use the extra income on his family during the upcoming holiday season.  Rich worked multiple projects for Jeff spanning about 6 weeks, and when all was said and done, Rich was paid nothing.  He is still to this date working overtime to make up for the 6 weeks of lost wages.  Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped.

“Gerry” was one of the main plumbers on both our kitchen and basement projects.  He is one of the kindest men I have ever meant in my life, and frequently talked us through the “ins and outs” of what was going on in our project.  “Gerry” actually owns his own construction company, and is in the process of finishing up flipping a home.  “Gerry” would help Jeff out in certain circumstances, because, after all, “Gerry” is Jeff’s cousin.  Toward the end of the kitchen project, and when things fell apart in the basement, “Gerry” wasn’t around anymore.  I reached out direct to “Gerry” on this, and he stated that he had been working for free for over 9 months.  Jeff had promised to build him and deck and draw up the blueprint.  Of course, there was no blueprint and no deck, so “Gerry” had to tell his beloved cousin that he needed to be paid, or he was done working.  I spoke with “Gerry” in late January, and, at that point, he was no longer speaking with Jeff.  Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped.

“Enrique” was one of the main subcontractors on both our kitchen and basement projects.  His group was with us from the beginning, as they were the group that did the demo of the kitchen.  “Enrique” had a company of about 7 men, all of which were absolutely wonderful to work with.  “Enrique’s” guys were the hardest workers I have ever seen in my life.  They worked at least 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and rarely stopped for breaks.  One gentleman, “Hector”, put the tile floor in our kitchen, and did a wonderful job.  Over a three day period, he logged 40 hours of work, leaving as late as 9 p.m. one evening.  There was another circumstance where Jeff couldn’t get anyone to do some of the tile work in our kitchen.  He called “Enrique” on a Saturday afternoon because it “needed to be done”.  “Enrique” left his family engagement and brought his daughter (who watched a movie on her iPad in the car) so he could get our tile work done.  “Enrique” worked about 5 projects for Jeff, and at the end of the day, he ended up scared the most from the UDAC/Jeff/Michele experience.   The checks from Jeff stopped coming in November, and by the holidays, “Enrique’s” company was out over $20K just on our house.  Did “Enrique’s” guys go unpaid?  No, he emptied out his daughter’s college fund and paid them all.  He made sacrifices around the holidays so his guys were ok, and his family could enjoy the season.  Words can’t express the amount of respect and admiration I have for this gentleman.  As you may have guessed, “Enrique” isn’t his name, but he is a Mexican American.  Jeff and Michele pray on this ethnic group, as it is a major part of their scam.  As I write this, waives of nausea pour through my stomach, and my veins pulsate with anger.  Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped.

Devon, my beautiful wife and best friend, started this journey with Jeff Adam and UDAC while being about 10 weeks pregnant.  She had to challenging task of entertaining our 3-year-old with the house torn apart due to the projects.  She also spent hours weekly talking with Jeff about life because, well, Devon sees the good in everyone.  Devon wrote two checks for $15K right before the holidays for work on the basement, and she is still heartbroken about it (love, it’s ok, reallyJ).  When the situation deteriorated with Jeff Fank/UDAC, it was the beginning of January.  Devon had to emotionally process the betrayal, dishonesty, financial loss, and the fact we let Jeff/Michele around Ashton 34 weeks pregnant! Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped.

Ashton, who is now my first born, loved “Mr. Jeff”, and would talk with him and play with him consistently.  Ironically, he never warmed up to Michele, and actually stomped her foot both times she was in our house.  Think he was trying to tell us something?  Anyway, on January 9th, we had to sit Ashton down and explain to him that “Mr. Jeff” was not allowed in our house anymore because he is “not nice”.  His little brain had to process this fact way too early, and he was a bit confused and frustrated (we were fighting back tears, for the record).  Ashton experienced loss of someone he really liked, and had to learn direct concepts of “stealing” and being “not nice” way too early in life.   Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped.

This blog isn’t about the money, or my ego, or attention, or a hobby, or something I want to particularly want to be doing (now 11:57 p.m. CST).  It’s a rallying cry for me to stay true to myself, and make sure that Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner are done.  This has gone on way too long and affected way too many innocent, kind, and friendly people.  That being said, I can’t do it alone, I need your support on this blog via comments, follows, and spreading of the message.  I am also open to any ideas and suggestions you may have to offer.  Jeff Fank and Michele Kesner must be stopped.

Talk Soon,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all of your work on this blog Jordan. I like this post the best. It is really good wording. Keep it up


The Manifesto

Many of you may be thinking something to the tune of the following:  “Why is this Jordan guy spending so much time putting together a blog ...