Tuesday, September 18, 2018

One More "Sliver" Product

Hello again readers!  I hope everyone is doing well.  Again, thank you for your continued support and commitment to the cause.  I was cleaning out one of my cabinets, and came across yet another one of Jeff's "Miracle Sliver Products".  "Ion-Eyes" is a product that Jeff Adam (or Jeff Fank, depending on the day) claims will heal all types of eye problems.  "Ion-Eyes" is really just the same sliver product with different packaging and a corny name.  Here is the image:  

Why not buy a "health supplement" from a contractor?  Why not shoot a silver solution that he produces in his garage in your eye?  After all, Jeff Fank is so trustworthy and ethical.  I am sure all of product claims are true and the ingredients are pure. 

As I have stated before (and all kidding aside), I would highly recommend avoiding all of these sliver products at any cost.  If you are a business that has been "duped" into using them, I would highly recommend stopping.  If your clients find out that you are using a product that was created by Con-Artist Contractor and his mythical Scientist Sidekick, you may suffer some hardships (legal, reputation, problems with the state, etc.). 

Talk Soon.


The Manifesto

Many of you may be thinking something to the tune of the following:  “Why is this Jordan guy spending so much time putting together a blog ...